Elemi Essential Oil (5 ml)

Canarium luzonicum

Light, fresh, balsamic, spicy-lemony. Calming, balancing, strengthening, centring; soothing for skin conditions.

Wild Harvested*

* Derived from wild grown plants that have not undergone chemical treatment.



Temporarily out of stock

SKU: EE10005


Light, fresh, balsamic, spicy-lemony. Calming, balancing,
strengthening, centring; soothing for skin conditions.

Additional information

Botanical name Canarium luzonicum
Biochemical compound Limonene, alpha-Phellandrene, Elemol, Sabinene, Elemicine
Origin Philippines
Parts used Resin
Extraction method Steam distillation
Volume 5 ml
Aroma Light, fresh, balsamic, spicy-lemony
Benefits Calming, balancing, strengthening, centring; soothing for skin conditions
Indications mental

A fragrance conducive to meditation.

Skin care

protects and rejuvenates the skin, reducing wrinkles and stimulating nerves.

How to use

Use in micro-diffuser, or a few drops diluted in a carrier oil locally, or in full body massage (3%) or bath.


Avoid during pregnancy

Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight; Always close the cap, when not in use, to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children; All caps are child-proof.


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