Fennel sweet Essential Oil (10 ml)

Foeniculum vulgare

Strong, very sweet, anis-like, spicy. Restorative, relaxing, calming, cleansing.
See Additional Information below.

Certified Organic by NCS EcoControl


SKU: EE02010

26 in stock


A restorative, relaxing, calming oil that is an excellent digestive tonic and cleanser, a helpful aid for slimming (curbs the appetite, yet increases energy levels), relieves digestive upsets and ladies’ problems, helps nervous fatigue, and induces confidence and strength.

Additional information

Botanical name Foeniculum vulgare
Biochemical compound Anethol, Limonene, Fenchone, alpha-Pinene
Origin Hungary
Parts used Seeds
Extraction method Steam distillation
Volume 10 ml
Aroma Strong, very sweet, anise-like, spicy.
Benefits Digestive, relaxing, calming, detoxifying, fluid reducing.
Indications mental

Removes nervous tension and fatigue, recommended for addictions.

Indications physical

Digestive tonic and cleanser; relieves flatulence, indigestion, constipation; eases menstrual and menopausal problems; helps asthma, obesity, cellulite.

How to use

Use in the VedAroma micro-diffuser, or a few drops diluted in a carrier oil locally, or in full body massage (3% dilution), or bath.
Avoid when pregnant. Do not use excessively on babies and young children and only in 0.5% dilution. Avoid if pregnant or epileptic.


May irritate sensitive skin. Always use well diluted. Do not use excessively on babies and young children and only in 0.5% dilution. Avoid in case of pregnancy and epilepsy.

Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always close the cap when not in use to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children. All caps are child-proof.


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