Experts in Maharishi Aromatherapy

A Maharishi Aromatherapy Consultation
with VEDAROMA essential oils

During the Maharishi Aromatherapy Consultation you will enjoy a range of VedAroma essential oils especially selected for you by the consultant. You will also receive a special home programme so you can continue to enjoy progress and bliss at home.

This involves the use of certain recommended essential oils. These oils that are chosen will be suitable and beneficial for your particular body type, as determined through principles of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, addressing and supporting any specific aspects of body or mind of that you wish to strengthen or support.

Ask an Expert in Maharishi AyurVeda

Vaidya Rohit

Vaidya (Dr.) Rohit N Bartake

Dr. Rohit N Bartake, BAMS is a Certified Ayurvedic Doctor from Mumbai, India.
He is also registered with the Board of Traditional Medicine in Mauritius.
He is Ayurveda Consultant and is certified by Maharishi College of Perfect Health International,The Netherlands as Consultant for Ved Aromatherapy, Sukshma Marma, and Maharishi Yoga Asanas 16 lesson course.
Dr. Rohit completed the Teacher Training course in Thailand and is Certified by the Maharishi European Research University, Seelisberg, Switzerland as a teacher of Transcendental Meditation technique.
He is Certified to Bring Consciousness Based Education to your Nation by the International Foundation of Consciousness Based Education.
phone: +230 58071719
Area covered: Mauritius , Tanzania & Dubai
Rohit N Bartake about Immunity in the classical Ayurvedic texts part 1 and Immunity in the classical Ayurvedic texts part 2
Rohit N Bartake on his youtube channel

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