Coriander seed, Essential Oil (10ml)

Coriandrum sativum

Sweet, woody, spicy. Tonic, relaxing, comforting for mind and body; helps appetite and digestion.
See Additional Information below.



SKU: EE01510

38 in stock


A purifying, tonic, uplifting essential oil that stimulates digestive juices, improves appetite, eases digestive upsets, relieves mental and physical fatigue, and aids concentration.

Additional information

Botanical name Coriandrum sativum
Biochemical compound Linalool, alpha- & beta Pinene, gamma-Terpinene, Geranyl acetate, Camphor
Origin Ukraine
Parts used Seeds
Extraction method Steam distillation
Volume 10 ml
Aroma Sweet, woody, spicy.
Benefits Digestive, stimulating, tonic, uplifting.
Indications mental

Strengthening, uplifting; eases nervous weakness, fatigue, anxiety and depression; aids concentration.

Indications physical

Stimulates digestive juices, reduces gas, cramps, constipation; improves appetite; helps muscle aches and stiffness.



Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always close the cap when not in use to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children. All caps are child-proof.


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