The Limbic System
We take in the finest information from our environment with each breath. Fragrance molecules cause chemical reactions on the fine hair cells of the olfactory receptors, which are transmitted as electrical stimuli directly to the limbic system—the oldest part of our brain—without being judged by the cortex.
The limbic system is the seat of emotions, memory, creativity, motivation, and regulation of the autonomic nervous system, which governs breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.

Direct Influence
All of the autonomic functions are directly influenced by scent without the interference of our conscious mind. That means that before we consciously perceive a fragrance, it has already affected us on the subconscious level—it has instantly influenced our emotions, heart rate, breath rate, and more.
Fragrance stimulates the release of neuro-transmitters, such as encephalines, endorphines, and serotonin, which invoke feelings of happiness, upliftment, well-being and relaxation.

Happiness for Good Health
Happiness and bliss are essential for our health. Negative thoughts and unhappiness create ill health. Fragrances of essential oils are an ideal way to influence our emotions, improve our emotional well-being, maintain relaxation, peace of mind, and promote happiness.
The fact that scents and memories are stored together in the limbic system, explains why fragrances can evoke memories. Probably everyone has experienced that a particular fragrance can bring back memories from childhood or other events from the past associated with the fragrance.

The Nature of Essential Oils
Due to the complex chemical structure and large number of components, each essential oil has a wide range of properties and ways that it can be used. Each imbalance can be addressed by many different essential oils. An essential oil can cover a wide field of activities: the same oil can stimulate certain systems of the body while sedating or relaxing others.

Essential Oils—Balancing
Essential oils are balancing and normalizing in their effect—unlike synthetic chemical substances—because they are natural, organic substances. The oils enliven the body’s own self-healing mechanism and restore wholeness, health, and life in body, mind, and soul. (Synthetic and inorganic substances have no life force, and are not dynamic.)

Essential Oils—Bactericidal
Virtually all essential oils have bactericidal properties, and by supporting the production of white blood cells they can help prevent and treat infectious diseases. Research has shown that people who use essential oils regularly have a higher level of resistance to illness, catch fewer colds than average, and recover quickly if they do become ill.

Scientific Research on Brain Function and Health Using VedAroma Essential Oils
‘Our research team is studying the effects of the high purity, organic VedAroma essential oils on brain function and health. One recent finding is the ability of VedAroma Highland Lavender to induce a remarkably high level of global brainwave coherence, which indicates a profoundly settled state of mind/body balance. We look forward to publishing the results of our experiments with various VedAroma Essential Oils on integrative measures of brain activity and mind/body health.’
Alarik Arenander, PhD, Director, Brain Research Institute, Fairfield, Iowa, USA

Uses of Essential Oils
Professional medical essential oil therapy administered by therapists trained in practical and scientific knowledge, achieves remarkable results for the prevention and cure of many acute and chronic diseases that are often impossible to treat otherwise.
The professional therapeutic use of essential oils is not the only way to experience the harmonizing and healing effects of essential oils. Use them in aroma lamps in your home or as natural perfumes to enhance the joy of life, bring harmony and balance, increase immunity, and enliven your body’s self-healing mechanisms.

Enjoy Essential Oils
Essential oils can be used in aroma lamps, and humidifiers, for a relaxing or revitalizing massage, in a full bath or a foot bath, and for compresses, inhalations, gargles, chest rubs (very good in case of colds) and much more.
The character of a room can be completely transformed in just a few minutes by using a few drops of a favorite essential oil in an aroma diffuser.
Diffusing Essential Oils
Diffusers disperse essential oils into the air either with a cool air-stream or gentle warmth. They are ideal for cleansing and purifying the air and for creating a mood-enhancing, fragrant atmosphere.
Micro-diffusers or atomizers are the most effective and health-promoting way to diffuse essential oils into the air.
These are air pumps with a special glass funnel construction that diffuse a micro-fine vapor of essential oil, creating negative ions, which purify the air. A few minutes of diffusion are enough to fill the whole room with a fresh, healthy, and pleasantly fragrant air.

Diffusing Essential Oils
Use 4 to 8 drops of essential oil on the replaceable cartridge or pad for cool air diffusion; use 25 drops or more in a micro-diffuser (atomizer or nebulizer); use 3 to 8 drops in aroma lamps (with candle or electric). Refresh as needed.