Myrrh Essential Oil (10ml)

Commiphora myrrha m.

Warm, rich, spicy-balsamic. Deep, calming, rejuvenating, purifying, for meditation. Soothing for respiratory, muscular, and skin conditions.
See Additional Information below.

Wild Harvested

Derived from wild grown plants that have not undergone chemical treatment.

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Has an uplifting, elevating, relaxing effect; helps to calm down a restless, worried, overactive mind; bestows inner peace and tranquility; and promotes spiritual awareness. Good for meditation and deep relaxation.

Additional information

Botanical name Commiphora myrrha m.
Biochemical compound Furanoeudesmadiene 1,3 diene, Curzerene, Lindestrene, Methoxyfuranodiene, beta-Elemene
Origin Somalia
Parts used Gum or resin
Extraction method Steam distillation
Volume 10 ml
Aroma Warm, rich, spicy-balsamic scent.
Benefits Deep, calming, rejuvenating, purifying. Good for meditation.
Allergens None
Indications mental

Combats restlessness, worry and anxiety, instills peace and tranquility; promotes spiritual awareness.

Indications physical

Powerful effect on lungs; dries up mucus; helps relieve bronchitis, cough, asthma, and serves as a gargle for sore throat and loss of voice; cleanses and tonifies the female organs.

Skin care

Spectacular wound healing, very good for ageing, cracked skin, gum infections, mouth and skin ulcers, itching, stretch marks.

How to use

Use together with Frankincense in an aroma lamp for spiritual practice and meditation, or add diluted (3%) in a carrier oil to massage or bath.


This oil should not be used during pregnancy.

Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always close the cap when not in use to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children. All caps are child-proof.


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