Hyssop Essential Oil (10 ml)

Hyssopus officinalis

Herbaceous, camphoraceous, sweet, and slightly spicy. Stimulating, clarifying, invigorating, uplifting.
See Additional Information below.

Certified by NCS EcoControl
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A highly purifying, expectorant essential oil, very effective against all kinds of respiratory problems, improves appetite and digestion, promotes mental clarity and concentration, and clears negative energy.

Additional information

Botanical name Hyssopus officinalis
Biochemical compound Iso-Pinocamphone, Pinocamphone, beta-Pinene, beta-Phellandrene
Origin France
Parts used Flowering plant
Extraction method Steam distillation
Volume 10 ml
Aroma Herbaceous, camphoraceous, sweet, and slightly spicy.
Benefits Stimulating, clarifying, invigorating, uplifting.
Allergens Limonene
Indications mental

Dispels nervous debility and fatigue; helps mental clarity, concentration, stress, anxiety; clears negative energy.

Indications physical

Relieves severe respiratory infections, asthma; improves appetite, indigestion

How to use

Use in the VedAroma micro-diffuser or a few drops diluted (3%) in a carrier oil locally as a chest rub.


Avoid during pregnancy and in case of high blood pressure. Do not use on babies and young children. Avoid in case of epilepsy.

Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always close the cap when not in use to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children. All caps are child-proof.


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