Organic Certification & Quality Control

Certified Organic means that all the ingredients in a product have been grown according to the International Organic standards and the product is certified by an reputable, well establish certifying agency.

NCS organic quality
NCS natural organic standard

VEDAROMA Essential Oils certified by EcoControl—NCS

The NCS standard was developed by GfaW (Geselschaft fur Angewandte Wirtschaftsethik (Society of Applied Ethics in Business)) in cooperation with EcoControl GmbH, Germany.

Vedaroma Essential Oils are certified organic for EU by EcoControl GmbH according to NCS (Natural cosmetic standart).

NCS regulates the requirements of certified natural cosmetics and certifies the organic quality of the ingradients in the products.

VEDAROMA and VEDIC AROMA products have been manufactured in a facility with a Good Manufacturing Practices certification (GPMC) with provides assurance that all production processes are well controled for quality, identity, purity, streght and compassion.

GMP certification means that VEDAROMA and VEDIC AROMA products have met the “GOOD Manufacturing Practices” guiedelines, which assured that products manufactured/produced are of high quality and do not pose any risk to the consumer or public.

The NPA (Natural Products Assotiation) “GMP Certification Program” is designed to verify that manufacturing practices conform to a standardized set of good manufacturing practices (GMPs) developed and aproved by the Natural Products Assotiation. This Programme is based upon comprehensive third-party inspections of manufacturing facilities and GMP-related documentation to verify complaiance to requirements of NPA GMP standarts.


VEDIC AROMA perfumes are all certified by ­NATRUE

NATRUE is a standard that has been promoting authentic natural and organic cosmetics for 17 years . The NATRUE label sets the highest standard of quality, widely recognised throughout Europe, USA, and many other countries.

Companies using the NATRUE certification believe in the power of nature. It is scientifically proven that the pure unadulterated plant and flower essences promote health and wellbeing through the products made from these pure ingredients, the production of which also support and promote the well-being of life around us—everything in our near and far environment.

The NATRUE certification means a product produced with natural ingredients of organic origin, produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.

The NATRUE label provide an internationally recognised standard that can be trusted by customers everywhere.

The NATRUE certification and logo on our “ perfumery through aromatherapy “ products represents highest quality—purity and safety — personal care products for the well-being and happiness of all our customers.

Made from Organic Crop

Floral source is certified organic, but not the procedure for extracting the oil from the plant.
These special oils called Absolutes. Whereas essential oils are produced by distillation, boiling or pressing, absolutes are produced through solvent extraction.

Organic Crop

Plants grown according to organic standards.

Organic Wild

Plantes collected from the wild that are harvested and distilled according to organic regulations.

Selecting Farming

Carefully selected for high quality and purity, where it is not possible to find certified organic.


Traditional, pure cultivation, without the use of chemicals.

Wild Harvested

Wild-grown plants that have not undergone chemical treatment.
Wild-harvested, simply put, is nature unadulterated. Plants are harvested from natural uncultivated land free from chemicals and pesticides.
Wild-harvested also means sustainably-harvested—the entire plants isn’t picked to ensure it can grow back.