Oral Care Products

‘Health of your mouth and teeth are important,
and play a vital part in the overall state our health.’

President of the Swiss Dental Association

Oral Care

AyurVeda Aromatherapy

ORAL CARE with Floral Waters

Oral Care Laurus Nobilis & Imortelle

Laurus Nobilis & Immortelle

Anti-inflammatory , antiseptic properties and more

Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis). Warm, spicy, and mouth watering Laurel makes a delicious mouthwash and gargle. Use against infection and for general dental hygiene and sweet breath. Bay Laurel is a fairly broad-acting antiseptic with powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. It stim- ulates the immune system and can help to relieve toothache and mouth infections.

Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) has powerful anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic, and cicatrisant properties. It is excellent in a mouthwash (with Bay Laurel) after dental work, for gingivitis, or for receding gums.

Floral waters obtained through steam distillation. Certified organic — 100% pure and natural. Energized for vitality and long life through a natural whirlpool system. Contains no preservatives.

How to use: Combine one part Laurus *Nobilis & Immortelle mouthwash with four parts water for a general purpose mouthwash that will help maintain oral hygiene and sweet breath. For mouth or gum conditions or infections use up to 20 ml undiluted and hold in the mouth for 20-30 seconds and then expel. In case of mouth ulcers, gingivitis or parodontitis spray the affected area several times a day.

IMPORTANT: The mouthwash should always be expelled (not swallowed).

*A Laurus Nobilis effectively controls dental plaque.
The World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Volume 5, Issue 6, 2049-2057) documents research on the application of Laurus Nobilis in dentistry: ‘The essential oil was tested against three dental pathogens—S.mutans, L acidophilus, C. albicans. The results demonstrated that L nobles essential oil showed inhibition against three dental pathogens and proves its efficacy to be used as an antimicrobial agent to control dental plaque.’

Oral Care Rockrose & Lemon Verbena

Rock Rose & Lemon Verbena

Cicatrisant — healing and anti-inflammatory properties – sweet and refreshing, and more

Rock Rose (Cistus ladaniferus) is highly astringent, cicatrisant, and styptic, will stop bleeding almost on contact. As such this flower water is useful used in a compress for sensitive gums to stop bleeding and as a mouthwash to support healthy oral care.

Lemon Verbena (Lippia citriodora) has a delicate and gently sweet fresh lemon scent. It is a strong anti-inflam- matory that seems to have an affinity with the mucus membranes of the mouth and nose and as such is useful in a compress or mouthwash.

Floral waters obtained through steam distillation. Certified organic — 100% pure and natural. Energized for vitality and long life through a natural whirlpool system. Contains no preservatives.

How to use: Combine one part Rock Rose and Lemon Verbena mouthwash with four parts water for a general purpose mouthwash that will help to maintain oral hygiene and sweet breath. Special application after dental surgery or to soothe inflamed or bleeding gums, use undiluted in a compress or mouthwash Use as a daily mouthwash for good oral hygiene, use undiluted in compress or mouthwash.

IMPORTANT: The mouthwash should always be expelled (not swallowed).

Oral Care Tea Tree & Tulsi

Tea Tree and Tulsi

Antiseptic properties – promoting sweet breath, and more

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is medicinal, with antiseptic, anti fungal, antibacterial, antiviral properties. Its benefits are myriad. As a general antiseptic it provides protection against mouth and gum infections. It is useful when used as a gargle or/and mouthwash. Tea Tree is a natural remedy for supporting fresh breath. It contains ingredients that help to diminish plaque and tooth decay and support healthy gums. Its powerful antiseptic properties help to combat bacterial and fungal infections.

Tulsi (Ocimum basilica/sanctum) has astringent properties that helps to make the gums stronger and prevents tooth decay. Tulsi eliminates bacteria in the mouth responsible for cavities, plaque, and tartar. It helps to promote a sweet breath.

Floral waters obtained through steam distillation. Certified organic — 100% pure and natural. Energized for vitality and long life through a natural whirlpool system. Contains no preservatives.

How to use: Combine one part Tea Tree & Tulsi mouthwash with four parts water for a general purpose mouth- wash that will help maintain oral hygiene and sweet breath. For mouth or gum conditions or infections use up to 20 ml undiluted and hold in the mouth for 20-30 seconds and then expel. In case of mouth ulcers, gingivitis or parodontitis spray the affected area several times a day.

IMPORTANT: The mouthwash should always be expelled (not swallowed).

Oral Care Myrrh & Mint

Myrrh & Mint

Anti-bacterial and analgesic properties – mouth freshening, and more

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrh m.) Is effective against gum disorders, helping to reduce inflammation. Its antiseptic properties make it a popular choice against infections in the mouth and gums. It helps to boost the body’s resistance to infection. Myrrh is antimicrobial and may soothe and heal gums by increasing blood flow to the tissue.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is known for its cooling and analgesic properties which can effectively soothe toothache. It is an effective prevention against oral infection and bacteria that can lead to cavities and gum disease as well as being mouth freshening and deodorising. Menthol, a main component, is an analgesic, supporting natural pain relief. Peppermint is also beneficial for reducing biofilm on the teeth.

Floral waters obtained through steam distillation. Certified organic — 100% pure and natural. Energized for vitality and long life through a natural whirlpool system. Contains no preservatives.

How to use: Combine one part Myrrh & Peppermint mouthwash with four parts water for a general purpose mouthwash that will help maintain oral hygiene and sweet breath. For mouth or gum conditions or infections use up to 20 ml undiluted and hold in the mouth for 20-30 seconds and then expel. In case of mouth ulcers, gingivitis or parodontitis spray the affected area several times a day.

IMPORTANT: The mouthwash should always be expelled (not swallowed)

Oral Care Lemongrass, Rosemary vebenone, Thyme linalool

Lemongrass, Rosemary verbanone, Thyme linalool

Calming, revitalising, anti-infectious and antibacterial properties – energising, uplifting, and more

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) essential oil has purifying and anti-inflammatory qualities. It is also calming, uplifting, and revitalising.

Rosemary, verbenone (Rosmarinus officinalis Ct.) has anti-infectious, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It is energising and uplifting as well.

Thyme, linalool (Thumus vulgaris Ct. linalool) essential oil is powerfully anti-bacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. It is an immune stimulant and an excellent remedy against mouth, throat or ear infection. Thyme, linalool is one of the gentler Thymes.

Essential oils certified by EcoControl

Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants, and is well known for strengthening teeth and gums, and preventing tooth decay. Certified organic — 100% Pure and Natural.

Energized for vitality and long life through a natural whirlpool system. Contains no preservatives.

How to use: As a mouthwash, helps to control bacteria for a cleaner fresher mouth and healthier gums and teeth. Use 5 drops in 30ml water, pulling the mouthwash through the teeth for up to one minute. Then expel. Do not swallow. Can also be used for oil pulling (Gandusha), using one large teaspoon of oil and holding in the mouth for 1-5 minutes as comfortable, and expel.

‘Prevention is Better than Cure’

Stimulating Disease Prevention
through Health Promotion

Council of European Dentists, May 2019

‘By focusing on the reduction of risk factors and promotion of a healthy lifestyle in community settings, as well as on increasing access to oral health, we propose to shift the dental care paradigm from treatment to prevention.’

Council of European Dentists
in their White Paper on Prevention.

In the view of the Swiss Dental Association:

‘Brushing your teeth is crucial. Oral hygiene is not only to keep your teeth healthy. Parents should check that their children brush their teeth at least twice a day in a careful manner’.